
Sunday, 25 August 2013

Notification of Computer Allowance for the Teacher / Educators (SSE/SST) Education Department Punjab

Notification of Computer Allowance for the Teacher / Educators (SSE/SST) Education Department Punjab

The SSE(CS) and SST teachers are entitled Computer allowance @ Rs. 1500/-. But the the District Account Offices of the most of the districts of the punjab are not allowing this allowance to the teachers of Punjab education Department. In this regard the Executive District Officer (EDO) of the District Rahim Yar Khan, approached The Direct Public Instructions (SE) Punjab Lahore for the guidance regarding the grant of computer allowance to the educators / teachers of Punjab through letter No. 6457/Ad-I Dated 11 June 2012 and requested for the grant of Computer allowance. As some districts are already granting computer allowance to the teachers with pay so proof of this was also attached.

The Director Public Instructions (SE) Punjab Lahore replied this appeal vide letter No. 6807/Admn(Male)-2 dated 05-07-2012 the copy of this is shown below.

According to this reply following gudiance was provided by the director Public Instructions Punjab:-
1. The SST/SSE (CS) are allowed to draw computer allowance at the rate of 1500/- Per Month according to the notification No. US(Budget) I-8/07 dated 05-05-2007.

2. The Accountant General Punjab or district Accounts Officers (DAO) of respective district to approached with notification for the grant of computer allowance.

3. The Computer allowance is admissible to both contract and regular teachers i.e SSE and SSTs.

Check below the letter of EDO Rahim Yar Khan and Director Public Instructions (SE) Punjab Reply:-


  1. Dear All !

    Assalam o Allaikum !

    I am GIS Specialist In Khhyber Pakhtunkhwa Wildlife Department. I am in need of Computer Allowance Notification of year 1993 as my computer allowance is withheld because of confusion as the nomenclature of my post is new and the people dealing with sanctioning of notification has some confusion as to why the computer allowance is admissible to me. so i am in need of all the notifications of computer allowance since its inception and oblige please.

  2. I am SSE CS teacher in education department.I need to knw that am I eligible for IT allowance or not


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