
Sunday, 24 May 2020

Legal notice of 24 cror to Hamid Mir Geo News anchor by Usman Buzdar Chief Minister Punjab

The chief minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar sent legal notice of 24 kror to Hamid Mir Anchor person Geo News. The detail of the notice is given below. You can also check orginal notice in the last.
6-Begum Road, Lahore.
Mr. Hamid Mir,
Jang Building
40 Blue Area,
represent Sardar Usman Ahmad Khan Buzdar (hereinafter reterred to as "my client") who has provided me with a video clip (along with a transcript thereo) wherein you. while appearing on a television show that airs by the name of "Breaking Point with Malick" in an episode broadcasted on Hum TV on 22.:05.2020, have asserted as follows:
That my client has used public funds to build a hospital in the name of his late father Mr. Fateh Muhammad Burdar, albeit an MPA in his own right but no diferent than a lot of olher members of the Provincial Assembl:
Using public funds for building hospitáls in the names of one's relatives is against the principles set forth by Mr. Imran Khan who has himself eriticized such acis in the past. When caulioned by some undisclosed person against doing so if remains unclear whelher he was cautioned against building a hospital or having it
named afier his late Jather), my client pompously revealed to this
Lundisclosed person that Mr: Imran Khan cannot stop him from doing so as my elient posseses some proof that it was Mr. Imran Khan who had tnstructed my client to take [some umbeknownst and undisclosed) measures viz a viz. the grant of subsidies to sugar imamufacturers ile my client reportedly elaims to hanve some SMS in his record as proof that he hud heen issued such instructions by Mr. Imran Khan but your inguiry into the matter has shown that there exists no such SMS and that my clhent has fabricated an SMS to this efect.
nefariousty planned his moves in case he is prohibiled from taking the aforesaid step and that Mr. Iniran Khan shall soon come to know "whar if is that he is rearing up his sleeve and that you cannot name the animal that he is rearing up his sleeve"
Needless to state that my client is not much bothered by your unpolished, crude and borderiine obscene style of presenting information on live television, however, he has instructed us to issue this legal notice to you for the following reasons  Your assertion that my client named the hospital after the late Mr. Fateh Muhammad Buzdar on account of his relationship with him is misplaced. It 15 a matter of record that the recommendation for naming the hospital after the former representative of the people of DG Khan originated from the administrative committee of DG Khan Medical College with which the hospital is to be attached, Thereafter, the Punjab Assembly passed a resolution to this effect on 25.11.2019. Furthermore, the Cabinet's Standing
Commitee on Legslative Business recommended to the competent
authority to name the said institution as such.
ii. Evidently, you intetionally withheld these facts from your audience. In the video clip you claim to have looked into the matter and one would presume you were in fäct aware that the name for the healtheare facility had not been Suggested by my client but by the Medical College concemed and thereafter by the legislature concerned. You withheld the true and complete account of what happened from your audience and your intent for this omission is as clear as crystal. You sought to malign my client's well-carned repute before your audience as well as to show him in bad light. iñ. You have dececived your audience into believing that the hospital is being named after the late Mr. Fateh Muhammad Buzdar by my client exclusively tor the reason that he was his father whereas the late Mr. Faeh Muhammad Khan Buzdar was the elected representative of the people of Dera Ghazi
Khan for a total of fourteen odd years up until 2013. He had successfully contested and won the election from PP-241 (Dera Ghazi Khan-Il) thrice.
These facts themselves are a testament to his following in the people of Dera Ghazi Khan. The hospital indubitably is to be built in Dera CGhazi Khan for the people of Dera Ghazi Khan and it would obviously not be out of place to name it after someone who the people of Dera Ghazi Khan hold in high esteem and have considered at some point in time to be their representative or leader.
iv. Keeping in view the facts narrated above (which you quite conveniently withheld from your audience) any in prejudiced man and anyone who 1sn driven by malice would easily come to the conclusion that Mr. Fateh Muhammad Khan Buzdar was a leader of the people of Dera Ghazi Khan in his own right and there is absolutely no anomaly in naming a hospital being built in that locality after him. Only malice would make one concoct the account that you have presented to your audience viz. a viz. the matter at hand.
v. Your assertion that my clhent informed some undisclosed person that if opposed on the idea of naming the said hospital after his father by the esteemed premier of the country he would intimidate him by threatening to publicize some fabricated orders that my client clainms to have received from him for the issuance of subsidies to the sugar manufacturers is absolutely
baseless because nothing of the kind as has been asserted by you ever happened. Neediess to mention this is a tigment of your fertile yet ndiculous, outrageous and depraved imagination.
Vi. The above should be viewed in light of the indubitable fact that my client is not solely or even remotely responsible for considering the grant of subsidy.
The cabinet sub-committee, the cabinet itself and eventualy the provincial legislature are the three constitutionally recognized bodies that are consttuttonaly and legally responsible for such matters. All three bodies approved the subsidy and therefore to lay the blame in this respect on my client is absolutely unfair, unwarranted and gratuitous. Unfortunately, doing so is something that you, as a journalist, are known for.
vii. My client is a respectable citizen of Pakistan currently holding a coveted constitutional position, He is a holder of degree in Law, has practiced law, is a seasoned politician, has been returmed thrice to the Provincial Assembly and, therefore, knows the Constitution and the law. The tenor of false statement specified above, maliciously paints my client as a lecherous, devious and dishonest person. Such assertions are malicious, wrongtul,
untrue, baseless and deliberately composed by you to injure the reputation of my client and to degrade him in the estimation of others. The said broadcast has damaged my client's reputation personaly as well as a politician and has lowered him in the estimation of others.
vii. The said defamatory video was broadcast without demur, which renders you as well as the broadcaster liable under the PEMRA Ordinance, 2002.
ix. Therefore, I hereby ask you to immediately, and certainly not later than fourteen days from the receipt of this notice, unequivocally spologize to my client in an unqualified manner. to the satisfaction of my client. Needlless to add that such apology should be as prominent, clear and conspicuous as is the false assertions specified in the narrative above.
x. Additionally, within the said fourteen days you are required to pay Rupees Fwenty Five Crores as damages, failing which ifa suit is filed Rupees Rs25 Crores plus markup shall be claimed.
xi In case you choose not to act as required above, I have clear and unqualificd instructions to institute appropriate civil and criminal proceedings against you in appropriate farums including but not limited to a criminal complaint under Section 499 PPC as also proceedings under the Defamation Ordinance
Obaid Ullah
Advocate High Court
Te: (02-42) 37173204, Mob. 03214255577
Legal notice issued to hamid mir geo news anchor by usman buzdar cm punjab

Usman buzdar cm Punjab vs hamid mir geo news anchor

Legal notices


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