
Education Matters in Pakistan

Our aim to present each and every update of education for you along with employees, teachers and students corners. You will find jobs, Results, softwares, date sheets, examinations and admission schedules of all Pakistan.

Sunday, 21 April 2024

Write an essay on My School at least 1000 words with headings

*Introduction*My school is a place where creativity, diversity, and inclusivity come together in perfect harmony. From the moment you step foot on campus, you can feel the excitement and energy that radiates from every corner. In this essay, I will share with you what makes my school such a special place, from its diverse student body to its dedicated teachers, vibrant campus, and commitment to values like kindness and respect.*A Diverse and Inclusive Student Body*One of the things that makes my school truly special is the incredible diversity...

Saturday, 6 April 2024


Top 10 Universities in Pakistan: A Comprehensive GuideIntroduction:In Pakistan, the pursuit of higher education is esteemed, with numerous institutions offering a diverse range of programs and opportunities. Whether one seeks engineering, medical, business, or humanities education, Pakistan's universities cater to a broad spectrum of academic interests. This article aims to provide an in-depth analysis of the top 10 universities in Pakistan, highlighting their strengths, achievements, and contributions to the nation's educational landscape. Here...

Tuesday, 11 July 2023


 Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad is the main body deciding different matters pertaining to the universities and universities students in all over the Pakistan. HEC decides which degree is equivalent to which one so that the services of different degree holders of same categories may be utilized for different jobs and matters. Recently Higher Education Commission (HEC) Islamabad in its recent meeting which was held under the...

Wednesday, 27 May 2020

E transfer policy 2020 for transfer of teachers through e transfer Punjab school education department

The government of the Punjab school education department has decided to loft ban from e transfer of teachers in Punjab. The Minister of school education Punjab Mr. Murad Ras has already intimated many times through press conferesses and tweets that ban on teacher transfer through e transfer Punjab. It is worth mentioning here that in school education department Punjab teacher can request / apply for transfer from one school to another online through...

Monday, 25 May 2020

Implementation of fee mechanisim /Fee concession to private school students during pandemic covid-19

The Government of the Punjab scholl education department Punjab jas issued notification regarding 20% concession to all the students of private schools. Notifiction regarding concession of fee 20% by the private schools to all the students has been issued. You can now check the full notification and letter of fee concession by private schools in pandemic covid-19:- NO.SO(ACADE-1)1-31/2008 GOVERNMENT OF THE PUNJAB SCHOOL EDUCATION DEPARTMENT Dated...

Sunday, 24 May 2020

Jobs advertisements / posts vacant in ministry of food security and reseach

The ministry food security and research  has announced different contract regular and project based jobs. Jobs available in different posts in ministry of food security and research. You can the elligibility criteria of each jobs from below advertisement and can apply accordingly:- Sr. NoName of VacancyPay ScaleNo of Posts 1Deputy Director (Coord)PPS-0801 Vacancy 2Assistant Director (Admin & Accounts)PPS-0701 Vacancy 3Assistant Director...

IBCC issued criteria for promotion /pass out of students of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th buse and fbise classes

IBCC Promotion Guidelines for Metric and Intermediate students approved by Inter provincial Education Ministers Conference A meeting of Provincial Education Ministers was held today May 14, 2020 in which important decisions were taken regarding 9,10,11,12 class students. It may be emphasized that the National Coordination Committec chaired by the Prime Minister and in which all provincial Chief Ministers took part had already decided to cancel...

Legal notice of 24 cror to Hamid Mir Geo News anchor by Usman Buzdar Chief Minister Punjab

The chief minister Punjab Sardar Usman Buzdar sent legal notice of 24 kror to Hamid Mir Anchor person Geo News. The detail of the notice is given below. You can also check orginal notice in the last. LEGAL Co. 6-Begum Road, Lahore. LEGAL CO 23.05.2020 Mr. Hamid Mir, Jang Building 40 Blue Area, Islamabad LEGAL NOTICE represent Sardar Usman Ahmad Khan Buzdar (hereinafter reterred to as "my client") who has provided me with a video clip (along...

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